Gravitate Insights

Turn your data into actionable insights

Understand your prospects in extraordinary detail

Customer Profile

Understand the demographics, lifestyles, preferences and behaviours of your prospects in exceptional detail. Pinpoint customer needs and identify those prospects that have the highest probability to convert.

  • Demographics ? gender, age, education, occupation, marital status, location
  • Behavioural and lifestyle ?? interests and hobbies, sporting activities, travel preferences, technology equipment users and purchasing behaviour
  • Property Information ? property ownership, property value
  • Financial information ? ?pensions, investments, debt, credit, loans, mortgages, income and wealth and insurance
  • Life events ? consumers who have recently moved home or had a baby

Customer Contacts

Improve contact success rates, pinpoint a customer?s geolocation, check their email and web reputation, employer details and validate and append additional contact information. ??


mailing and email addresses, landline and mobile telephone numbers


mailing and email addresses, landline and mobile telephone numbers, social and IP addresses

Customer Quality

Measure the quality of your leads and focus on the right prospects – those with the highest probability to convert into customers. Gravitate Insights can compare prospects attributes against those of your preferred customers and calculate a quality score from the value of these attributes. For example, traffic source, platform, contact information validity, mark-up from plug-ins such as purchasing behaviour.

Learn more about your prospects with every click

Monitor your prospects activity at every touch point online, each time they visit a website, comment, like or share a product, click on adverts or purchase products or services.?Use these insights to automatically target emails and social advertising to your most interested, influential and purchase-ready prospects.


Data Partners

Multiple sources feed into our data engine which collects, analyses and segments search and consumer data, delivering valuable insights ??helping you understand precisely what people are searching for and why.

Search engines
Government data
Research data
Consumer surveys
UK Census
Authorised data providers